How to make VLC remember Windows Size and Position

How to make VLC remember Windows Size and Position

Perform these steps to make VLC remember both its window position and size.

VLC — or VideoLan Client which is its full name — is one of the most popular video playback applications available today, and best of all, it's free to use. VLC offers a wide variety of video codec support, which makes it almost like the swiss army knife of video players; it can play almost anything.

Resizes to every video

One thing that stands out among its users, however, is its inability to remember how large the window was the last time you used the app — it simply resizes to the resolution of the video every time you open one. For HD or 4K videos, this means that the application can take up more space than is available on your screen, which is not ideal.

Luckily this is easy to fix!

Make VLC Remember Window Size

To make VLC remember the last used settings regarding its window size and position on the screen, perform the following steps in the Simple Preferences panel:

Then just click Save and you're good to go!

Advanced Preferences in VLC

If you're using the Advanced Preferences instead, do the following:

  1. Open up the Tools menu
  2. Select Preferences
  3. Navigate to Interface — Main interface — Qt (or search for Resize Interface in the search box)
  4. Uncheck the option Resize interface to the native video size
  5. Enjoy!

When you've performed these simple steps, VLC will remember where the window was positioned on your screen and how large the window was when you last played a video.

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